Tuesday, 4 September 2012

It's official...I am MAD!

For years people have said it, I even pioneered a campaign based on it (R U MAD Youth Campaign), but now it's confirmed...I am MAD!

MAD is an acronym I use for the term Making A Difference, however with my latest endeavour I think it is befitting to use the word literally!

I am proud to say that I am a married mother of five, four of whom are all under the age of 10.  For many, many years I've had a desire to do something that most people consider to be somewhat psychotic.  The reason why it has taken me this long to take the 'plunge' is because even I have questioned the rationale of doing something which could initially change my character (possibly not in a positive way :-0 ) and ultimately change my life!!

At the beginning of this year 2012 the desire intensified.  I had a number of incidents take place which confirmed strongly the need for me to pursue this path and in July the decision was solidified.

I am officially a HOME SCHOOLING MUM!

Yes, you heard right my husband and I made the brave and somewhat crazy decision to take our boys out of the traditional education system to home school our boys.  It was not an easy decision and it did not occur overnight.  It was a result of much prayer, research, counselling and well-rounded advice from friends and family. Once I had answered all the questions and settled the concerns that had prevented me from making this decision sooner, I stopped wrestling with the inevitable and found peace.

We spent the best part of this year (2012) talking with the boys about our decision and the reasons why we feel this is the best thing for our family at this time, at first they were apprehensive as expected (the thought of not seeing their friends was unbearable at first) but soon they too could see the benefits (after I bribed them all and promised that we would keep in contact with their closest friends from school).

So the journey has begun.  Well it officially begins on Monday 10th September, this week (beginning 3rd Sept) we have been doing what my eldest son calls 'transition week' (3 hours of work daily to get us into the home schooling groove).  Many have questioned my reasoning, others think I am MAD, but most people truly respect the decision we have made to home school and I really appreciate that.  I was asked by a number of people if I would write a blog/journal about my experiences, at first I was hesitant (where would I find the time!!) then I thought it might just be cathartic for me, so here it is! 

'Keeping it REAL with Karen' will be about life in my world and will include my home schooling journey as well as other exciting adventures along the way.  My plan is to blog frequently but at least once a week where I will share with you the ups, the downs, the ins and the outs.  I will give you a glimpse into my thoughts that got me to where I am today and why we decided that home schooling was the best thing for us, as well as introduce you to each of my children and what we call our 'creative curriculum'.

As I write this post the boys have just taken a 15 minute break, the sun is shining, I am sitting on the trampoline and the boys are playing in the garden, today is a good day, so far so good, let's hope that we have started the way we plan to continue......let's hope!!

Karen. x

Please feel free to share what you have read and do leave a comment below. (I need all the encouragement I can get)!!


1 comment:

  1. I am beaming! So proud of you, Karen. You have heeded the call and are following the path intended for not only your life but for future generations. Blessings, friend!
